$299.00 USD

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2-hour online session

This is for those of you who like to learn the stuff then do-it-yourself.

This is what a 2hr session looks like:

We deep-dive into a hormone “workshop” covering how hormones affect your thoughts, emotions, physical body, digestion & metabolism, & energy.

Then we focus on what you’d like to focus on and go through any questions you may have to improve your cycle, balance your hormones & have a better relationship with yourself and others.

You will also receive my ebook & food chart as guides to each phase.



Wise account email
[email protected]

You can also do a direct transfer from any bank in the US:

Account holder
Pauline Gisele Goossens

Routing number

Account number

Account type

Wise's address
19 W 24th Street
New York NY 10010
United States